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Between a puff and a plume

8 minute read

In previous examples I used both Gaussian plume and puff models for continuous and instantaneous releases, respectively, but what about the in-between cases?...

More on Turbulent Jets

18 minute read

Previously I worked through the velocity profiles for turbulent jets and left off claiming that everything else of interest followed simply from those profil...

Turbulent Jets

24 minute read

In a previous post I worked through a chemical release modeled as a turbulent jet and while I mentioned there were several ways modeling the jet, I didn’t go...

The 2021 Canadian Federal Election

5 minute read

On Monday, September 20 2021, Canadians went to the polls and ended up electing a parliament that looked very much like the one we had in August, prior to th...

Smoke Days

7 minute read

Recently wildfire smoke has returned and blanketed the city in haze, causing the air quality health index (AQHI) to sky rocket, and as a result I’ve been spe...