Modeling Hydrogen Releases Using HyRAM+
Continuing on a series of posts on hydrogen of sorts, this post is on modeling hydrogen releases for risk assessment. Industry in many places, and in Alberta...
Continuing on a series of posts on hydrogen of sorts, this post is on modeling hydrogen releases for risk assessment. Industry in many places, and in Alberta...
Recently I added some alternative correlations to GasDispersion.jl, the julia package I put together for basic chemical release modeling, and I thought it wo...
I recently spent some time looking in detail at the Britter-McQuaid workbook model for dense gas dispersion and I thought the plume model deserved some extra...
The other day I was working on a project involving Gaussian puff models and I noticed that I had made a significant mistake, a mistake I have made several ti...
In previous examples I used both Gaussian plume and puff models for continuous and instantaneous releases, respectively, but what about the in-between cases?...
In a previous post I worked through a chemical release modeled as a turbulent jet and while I mentioned there were several ways modeling the jet, I didn’t go...
In a previous notebook, I explored building infiltration due to forest fire smoke and noted that ambient conditions would impact the scenario, in this scenar...
In previous examples I discussed release scenarios involving vapour clouds spreading over a large area, carried by the wind. In those examples the momentum o...
In a previous post I worked through estimating the airborne quantity of butane due to a leak from a storage sphere. That example stopped at estimating the to...
In a previous post I modeled an example of a plume from an elevated stack. In that example I assumed very stable conditions and a low windspeed – pasquill st...
A few years ago I mused about using wildfire smoke events to measure the infiltration rate of buildings, in the context of modeling the infiltration of air p...
I recently spent some time looking in detail at the Britter-McQuaid workbook model for dense gas dispersion and I thought the plume model deserved some extra...
In a previous notebook, I explored building infiltration due to forest fire smoke and noted that ambient conditions would impact the scenario, in this scenar...
A common part of emergency planning is the shelter in place. More often than not trying to outrun whatever calamity is happening at a chemical plant is more ...
In previous examples I discussed release scenarios involving vapour clouds spreading over a large area, carried by the wind. In those examples the momentum o...
In a previous post I worked through estimating the airborne quantity of butane due to a leak from a storage sphere. That example stopped at estimating the to...
This is an interesting example that came up in conversation with another engineer related to a construction project happening at an existing facility. Imagin...
A routine practice of process safety is to model scenarios for different chemical hazards present at a plant. Often there are more plausible scenarios than t...
Continuing on from where I left off previously, examining vessel blowdown, it is time to implement real gases. I left the ideal gas case promising that imple...
A recurring task of mine is to look at some old calculations, done by some previous engineer whose identity is lost to time and organizational flux, and upda...
Very often, in chemical engineering, the line between problems one can solve one’s self and problems that are solved with a piece of commercial software is w...
As Alberta continues down it’s path to the hydrogen economy, with more industrial facilities transitioning to hydrogen as a fuel, and more producers of hydro...
November this year came in with a bang where I live: the temperature outside is currently -20°C, there is a pile of snow, and suddenly staying in and staying...
I was looking through some books and it struck me how strangely inconsistent many standard references are when it comes to adiabatic compressible pipe flow. ...
When determining the required venting for above ground storage tanks it is typical to calculate normal and emergency vent rates using standards such as API 2...
November this year came in with a bang where I live: the temperature outside is currently -20°C, there is a pile of snow, and suddenly staying in and staying...
I was looking through some books and it struck me how strangely inconsistent many standard references are when it comes to adiabatic compressible pipe flow. ...
When determining the required venting for above ground storage tanks it is typical to calculate normal and emergency vent rates using standards such as API 2...
Previously I worked through the velocity profiles for turbulent jets and left off claiming that everything else of interest followed simply from those profil...
In a previous post I worked through a chemical release modeled as a turbulent jet and while I mentioned there were several ways modeling the jet, I didn’t go...
In previous examples I discussed release scenarios involving vapour clouds spreading over a large area, carried by the wind. In those examples the momentum o...
A few years ago I mused about using wildfire smoke events to measure the infiltration rate of buildings, in the context of modeling the infiltration of air p...
In a previous notebook, I explored building infiltration due to forest fire smoke and noted that ambient conditions would impact the scenario, in this scenar...
A common part of emergency planning is the shelter in place. More often than not trying to outrun whatever calamity is happening at a chemical plant is more ...
A few years ago I mused about using wildfire smoke events to measure the infiltration rate of buildings, in the context of modeling the infiltration of air p...
Recently wildfire smoke has returned and blanketed the city in haze, causing the air quality health index (AQHI) to sky rocket, and as a result I’ve been spe...
A common part of emergency planning is the shelter in place. More often than not trying to outrun whatever calamity is happening at a chemical plant is more ...
Continuing on a series of posts on hydrogen of sorts, this post is on modeling hydrogen releases for risk assessment. Industry in many places, and in Alberta...
As Alberta continues down it’s path to the hydrogen economy, with more industrial facilities transitioning to hydrogen as a fuel, and more producers of hydro...
November this year came in with a bang where I live: the temperature outside is currently -20°C, there is a pile of snow, and suddenly staying in and staying...
In previous examples I discussed release scenarios involving vapour clouds spreading over a large area, carried by the wind. In those examples the momentum o...
A routine practice of process safety is to model scenarios for different chemical hazards present at a plant. Often there are more plausible scenarios than t...
Very often, in chemical engineering, the line between problems one can solve one’s self and problems that are solved with a piece of commercial software is w...
When determining the required venting for above ground storage tanks it is typical to calculate normal and emergency vent rates using standards such as API 2...
Previously I worked through the velocity profiles for turbulent jets and left off claiming that everything else of interest followed simply from those profil...
This is an interesting example that came up in conversation with another engineer related to a construction project happening at an existing facility. Imagin...
I recently spent some time looking in detail at the Britter-McQuaid workbook model for dense gas dispersion and I thought the plume model deserved some extra...
In a previous post I worked through estimating the airborne quantity of butane due to a leak from a storage sphere. That example stopped at estimating the to...
In a previous post I thought about how one might approach making coffee, in a French press, as a chemical engineering problem. The obvious next step is to lo...
While making coffee one day, I started thinking about how the coffee making process is both a perfect representation of the sorts of systems chemical enginee...
In a previous post I thought about how one might approach making coffee, in a French press, as a chemical engineering problem. The obvious next step is to lo...
While making coffee one day, I started thinking about how the coffee making process is both a perfect representation of the sorts of systems chemical enginee...
Continuing on from where I left off previously, examining vessel blowdown, it is time to implement real gases. I left the ideal gas case promising that imple...
Very often, in chemical engineering, the line between problems one can solve one’s self and problems that are solved with a piece of commercial software is w...
Continuing on from where I left off previously, examining vessel blowdown, it is time to implement real gases. I left the ideal gas case promising that imple...
A recurring task of mine is to look at some old calculations, done by some previous engineer whose identity is lost to time and organizational flux, and upda...
In a previous post I modeled an example of a plume from an elevated stack. In that example I assumed very stable conditions and a low windspeed – pasquill st...
On Monday, September 20 2021, Canadians went to the polls and ended up electing a parliament that looked very much like the one we had in August, prior to th...
Recently I’ve been playing around with Dynamic Mode Decomposition (DMD) and this notebook compiles my notes and julia code in one place for later reference.
Recently I’ve been playing around with Dynamic Mode Decomposition (DMD) and this notebook compiles my notes and julia code in one place for later reference.
While bowling, this week, an interesting question came up: is it possible to get every score from 1 to 450 in a game of five pin bowling? Or, to flip it arou...
As Alberta continues down it’s path to the hydrogen economy, with more industrial facilities transitioning to hydrogen as a fuel, and more producers of hydro...
As perhaps just a hazard of my profession, any time an article comes out on the merits (or lack of) of recycling and plastic waste in general, people send it...
As perhaps just a hazard of my profession, any time an article comes out on the merits (or lack of) of recycling and plastic waste in general, people send it...
As perhaps just a hazard of my profession, any time an article comes out on the merits (or lack of) of recycling and plastic waste in general, people send it...
Continuing on a series of posts on hydrogen of sorts, this post is on modeling hydrogen releases for risk assessment. Industry in many places, and in Alberta...